Just got back from my annual trip to Kuala Lumpur the last two weeks. I don't know if it was consider lucky or not, I caught a cold and fever on the very last day there.
But I am very thankful that now I'm at home, in the comfort of own bed, typing this. Still having coughs now and then and running nose that seems like pipe not being closed tightly enough.
Ughh. I already have like tissues piling up in the rubbish bin beside me. Looks like I don't even have to paint my nose red to become the red nose reindeer for this Christmas. You get the picture.
Anyway, back to the trip. It has been a thing for me to go to KL at the end of the year annually since I've been with my bf. We would go there and stay with his sister's family, for slightly more than a week or so normally.
But this time round, I only manage to book for a week trip. But it's OKAY because I still get the chance to meet Audrey and Cheesie at Foruchizu!!! I'm so damn happy just to find out that I am actually able to meet them in this trip of mine! Must be quite some deed I did in my past life to get this chance. LOL. I shall talk about that later on.
Now it's picture time! Didn't manage to snap a lot of picture because I was too busy snooping around for great deals. AHAHAHA! XD
1st lunch there. Ninja Joe's BIG BOSS =D And also the 1st time having it, but I must say, it's damn nice! *slurp!*
Cute packaging ^^
Bf saw this and insisted that the picture to be taken. LOL.
My shuriken!
Cute little gelato sticks=))

At Candylicious with the huge lollipop cushion. It's so fluffy!
X'mas decorations at 1Utama.
But but but......I do get the chance to wave at Audrey! AHAHA! So puny of me. Don't even think she'll remember me just by that but I'm happy already and cannot sleep that night. True story.jpg.
No pictures for that because I'm too shy and now I regretted it= =
Well next! Went to the beach at Kuantan on the 3rd Day. It was roughly a 3hours drive there. At first we (me and my bf) still thought we were going to have a day trip to the beach when his sister said so, because we always had day trips to the beach in Kuching so we didn't expect we have to pack anything.
In the end when we saw her packing huge bag of clothes for her family then we know what's really going on. There was no such thing as day trips to the beach in KL as the rides to the beaches were long. Not having the need to mention we drove there ourselves.
We went to one of the "hotel" at Cherating, Kuantan and got ourselves a room there. Double queen size bed per room. The room was quite large because it was some sort of a small house, a "chalet" as we called it here.
Here are some of the pictures I took. I like the bubbles formed when the water was washed ashore. I will just go "Awww~" when looking at the picture.
Credits to my bf's sis for this picture. I made the footprints and she took this artsy photo of it for me. =)
When to this famous(?) restaurant at night for its stuffed crabs. Very Yums indeed!
I think it was at Terengganu because I thought I we passed the arch thing between states informing you that you have entered the particular state.
Yes I just googled it and it is indeed situated in Terengganu. Wah! We had travelled from KL-Pahang-Terengganu in a day's time. I know it sounds very sakai, but I am very excited when I found out. LOL! xD
The yummilicious stuffed crab! The part you see here is actually the hollow part stuffed with its meat with other ingredients and covered with egg white.
So when you dig into the egg white, SURPRISE! Crab meat filled inside. The best part? You don't even have to get messy to get every piece of the meat out from the shell! LOVES~!
Decorations outside Pavilion.
Huge-ass coach with crystals on.
Pavilion was the last stop before we head home for shower and dinner and rush to KL sentral for our bus ride to the airport. Tiring but worth it! Because...jeng jeng jeng..I got myself 2 dress at H&M! hahaha!
Well that ends my post on my KL trip. Another story another time! Bye! ❤