Monday 27 August 2012

Wish list

As we all know, it’s only few months left before we greet the coming year and I have quite a list of things I wish to have and would like to do before this year ended.

Some wishes I have even brought me back to when I was 7yrs old. So, if those can’t be fulfilled by this year, I think I can wait another few more years^^ (since I already waited for so long right. Hehe)

I know that what I’m going to write will have something similar to a new year’s resolution with all the things that needs to be accomplished and are written at the beginning of the year instead of now with only few months left. But most of them are wishes, so I guess you can have it or add anything whenever I want. LOL

Hopefully, I can tick them all off the list by the end of this year. Then leh, I can have a new list next year. *evil laughs*

I’m not sure whether I should limit it to a certain number of things in the list or not. ‘Cause if it’s too many of them, I doubt that all of them will be ticked off= =ll

But……I guess I can just bring them forward to next year’s new list! YEAH! =D
So with all the jabbering aside, I shall write down a wish list of mine. =) So here goes:   
  1. A Sony Alpha NEX-F3  (the item that made me feel like writing this list after seeing it on Cheesie’s blog)
  2. A violin and of course, violin lessons (self practice at this moment can’t be possible for me ‘cause I don’t even touched a violin before T^T) 
  3. Open up a restaurant/café/ something lah. A place for people to dine and chill out. For families or just friends hanging out.
  4. A business of my own, whether it’s an online business or others. This is kind of the same as the 3rd so you may feel free to combine them and count them as one wish. (I already had this idea since young. But seriously, I really wanted to become taukenio lor. And come to think of this now, I had this idea since young?! It may have really been my childhood dream or…I may have just day dreamt too much. AHAHAHA!!)  
  5. Complete set of makeup perhaps? From the base to the finishing touches on the lips. And not forgetting makeup brushes! I absolutely love to have a full set of it. I’m actually slowly making up to a set already. Baby steps ❤  
  6. Oh Oh! A Polaroid Instant camera! 
  7. Have my teeth straighten with invisalign (which I think is WAYYY better than normal metal braces)  
  8. More income, obviously. If not all the things listed would just stay in here forever. Duh~ 
  9. Have good health & life, not only me but everyone around me =)
  10. Erm..have savings  that can last me for a year or more if I’m unemployed in the future for some reason that I can’t think of now.
  11. Able to change to a new phone every 2-3yrs?  
  12. Have more pretty clothes, shoes?  
I think I’m running out of wishes already = = 

   13.    To travel more and to other countries.
   14.    Referring to the above, won’t feel sick during flights! Even travelling for an hour plus makes me  dizzy and felt like vomit after landed. Not even sure it’s because of air-sick or what.
   15.    Oh! Not forgetting a laptop. So that I can blog more often at the comforts of my own room =) 
   16.   Add on a bag, or several. HAHA. Currently my Santa Barbara is half dead with the leather peeling off near the handle due to the weight it carries everyday =x Sorry baggy!

Okay so basically I have written down everything that came across my mind now. But I’m pretty sure that’s not the end of the list. LOL! 

Oh and my birthday is just around the corner, well not that near lar but next month is my birthday month. If you feel like giving me presents, and you don’t know what to give, you might want to consider the things listed above. *being beh paiseh* =p 

No lah, just kidding. Haha. How can people get me anything in my list? Those are like expensive items or something I can only achieve by myself for eg: health. How can you give me that right?  

And even if you can (don’t know how you going to give it to me too lah 'cause you don't even know who am I), you’re most probably extremely rich and doesn’t know where to spend your money so you spend it on strangers or just insane. =x

^.^ Anyway, I've thought of a few places to celebrate my birthday. Wanted something special, since it's my 21st birthday. But still, I'm working on it. Nice venue means 'nice money' too. This lady is on BUDGET! *sigh* And not forgetting who to invite still. Just wanted a small gathering/party so that also means very limited guests. *headaches* 

Well, wish me luck and hopefully it will be at a venue with good lightings so I can take more pictures for you to feast your eyes! =p

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